Thursday, April 19, 2007

This is imported Italian nylon

I am working hard on my final film and lit paper of my grad school career. It's a 20-pager due on Monday, so I will be hard at work all weekend.

Here's part of the paper proposal, in case you wanted to know what I am working on:
Using the ideas of reification and commodity fetishism of Georg Lukács and Karl Marx as my theoretical fulcrum, I will analyze Paul Thomas Anderson’s 1997 film Boogie Nights. In particular, I will show how the story of porn star Dirk Diggler mirrors and epitomizes the effects of capitalism on the consciousness of the worker. Using many scenes of Dirk's downfall, I will focus on the alienating effect that reification and commodification can have. In particular, I will explain Lukács's ideas about the sense of false consciousness that accompanies the reified mind. This sense of false consciousness (ideology) can be seen in several characters in Boogie Nights. Most significantly, the whole notion that Jack Horner’s porn house constitutes a loving family represents a dangerous false consciousness for Dirk and the other family members. Also, the issue of names (Eddie Adams-as-Dirk Diggler-as-Brock Landers) results in an identity crisis that can easily be seen as a product of the reified consciousness.
Finally, I will expand the discussion to include a discussion of the movie industry as portrayed in Boogie Nights. For this analysis, I will incorporate the ideas of Theodor Adorno, who applied the notion of reification to the culture industry. In addition, for this argument I will support Adorno’s theories with Fredric Jameson’s ideas as laid out in “Reification and Utopia in Mass Culture.” Furthermore, using Baudrillard’s “society of the consumer,” I will examine how the consumer culture in Boogie Nights—such as the shopping sprees and material excesses in which Dirk indulges—only serves to underscore the commodification of the laborer.

Yep. I'm writing a paper about Boogie Nights.


At 7:58 PM, Blogger constant_k posited...

Never seen it, I should get on that.

At 11:27 PM, Blogger Maya Kuehn posited...

ah yes, adorno and jameson and baudrillard. this sounds very familiar, much like my media contexts material - isn't it fun writing papers on ridiculous things? my fav was probably my "From hip to hipster: Hegemony and the illusion of individuality."

i can't believe you're finishing up grad school already. holy crap. i'm taking the GREs this summer.

At 12:31 AM, Blogger Jason posited...

I don't even know what "reification" means. But then, I don't expect to be writing final papers for any film and lit classes anytime soon.

At 10:29 PM, Blogger Pammy posited...

reification is a word i keep running across this week. it's like i just noticed it in this article i read, and then all of a sudden it was everywhere.


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