Thursday, April 05, 2007

We set controls for the heart of the sun

I have mentioned LCD Soundsystem in passing, and I posted a video, but I have not given Sound of Silver its proper due here on the blog. I have listened to it almost every day since I got it, and I believe that it is extraordinarily brilliant. I love not only the sound sensations, but also the tongue-in-cheekness and the weirdness.

I really like every song on the album, but here are some highlights:

  • The bass line of "Time to Get Away" - Though nothing else in the song sounds like Gang of Four, the bass line does, and the combination of humorous vocals and Gang of Four sounds creates a rich and layered dichotomy. (How pretentiously rock-critic of me!)
  • "North American Scum" -- Everything about this song is great, but the lyrics make it awesome. But why does James Murphy sound like he has a cold? I want to send him some decongestant.
  • "Someone Great" -- I think that this song is gorgeous and moving. The song seems like it is an emotional story of a break-up, but the last verse problematizes everything for me. I love it.
  • The cowbell-like sounds in "Us v Them" are cause for smiles. I also like how this song changes sound a few times throughout.
  • "Watch the Tapes" -- Are you kidding me with this awesomeness? What a bizarre and awesome song. It makes me want to say things like "Awesome!" and "Rockin'!" and then do a karate kick, but only if it is pronounced "kah-rah-tay." Awesome!
  • But the best song on the album--and the best song of the year by anyone so far--is "All My Friends." From the discordant piano start to the brilliant lyrics, this reflection on lost time and misplaced drive makes me so very happy.

I know it is only the beginning of April, but I already know that this album will have a very high place on my Albums of the Year list.


At 3:49 PM, Blogger Tom posited...

luckily for you, they'll be in Chicago on may 6th.

At 5:54 PM, Blogger Tom posited...

but you already knew that.

At 9:06 PM, Blogger CoachDub posited...

I did, but thanks for the reminder.

At 9:41 AM, Blogger Jake posited...

Whoa. Synchronicity. I'm listening to "All My Friends" right now.

I too have been unable to stop listening to this album. I agree with you on all counts, especially re: "Someone Great"--it's a goofy, dancy album, and then all of a sudden he hits you with some electromelancholia. Absolutely brills.

I also like the lyric, "makes you want to feel like a teenager / until you remember the feelings of a real live emotional teenager / then you think again."

At 8:08 PM, Blogger Josh posited...

all my friends is a really sad song


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