Monday, April 09, 2007

Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players, and electrical tin openers.

Another reason I love grad school:
In my Lit & Film: Consumer Culture class tonight, our text for discussion was the film Trainspotting, which we discussed in light of the commodity theories we have read throughout the semester, including those of Marx, Lukács, and Žižek. My professor picked some key scenes for discussion:
  • The beginning and end scenes when Renton is giving his "Choose life" speech (And an added bonus was getting to hear "Born Slippy" by Underworld on the soundtrack)
  • The Worst Toilet in Scotland scene
  • Spud's job interview
  • The scene when the guys go to the "great outdoors"
I have nothing else to say about this, except that, yeah, I got to talk about these things in my grad school class today.

Elsewhere . . .


At 11:37 PM, Blogger undulatingorb posited...

Don't forget about discussing how the Scottish are such prolific people.

At 5:53 AM, Blogger matt posited...

fantastic movie

At 8:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous posited...

In a totally unrelated topic, Obama was on Letterman last night and he stole the show. I am so impressed with the way he handles himself on national television. He seems relaxed and genuine, and his speech has a conversational tone that is easy to listen to. It would be a relief if he gets elected so we don't have to listen to the scripted/nervous-about to give a speech in human communications class-style we hear from Bush and Clinton to some extent.

At 11:31 PM, Blogger CoachDub posited...

I'm with you, Scott. And yes, he was excellent on Letterman.

At 12:37 PM, Blogger Tom posited...

did he talk about blow?


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