Sunday, April 22, 2007

"Grey, my friend, is all theory . . ."

In high school, my friend Lisa and I founded an environmental club that we called The Green Society. We started a recycling program, had street clean-up days, planted trees, etc. It was quite a popular club, so we felt good about spreading the gospel.

I was also an editor of the school paper, so I had a regular column: a platform from which to preach and/or spew.

In 1991--my senior year--I was feeling some angst about the fact that Earth Day, which had celebrated its 20th anniversary the previous year, was being ignored.

Here is the column I wrote (Everyone who wrote columns for the paper got an awesome caricature by classmate Dan):

Click for a larger image

Some points of note:
  • As you can see, my tree-hugging, left-wing, baby seal-loving, bleeding-heart hippie commie ways started long, long ago.
  • I thought I was very clever with my use of hyberbole.
  • In the 16 years since this was published, I have come around a bit. In fact, I am now very happy that being "green" is trendy once again.
  • At the time, I was very proud of my "Guess? consciences" line.
  • (What a tool.)
  • That is a sweet haircut I was sporting.
And I do feel a little special because I just did a quick internet search and discovered that the Green Society at Marion High School is still going strong 17 years later. Woohoo!

Happy Earth Day!


At 12:10 PM, Blogger constant_k posited...

"The earth will be a big dead ball of trash floating in space."

Well played, sir, well played!

At 2:10 PM, Blogger P "N" K posited...

The editorial picture/drawing is pretty sweet. I like it.

I took my accumulated pop cans to the recycling container today.

And finally, if the Earth becomes a big, dead ball of trash, then I hope for the solar system's sake it eventually drifts into the Sun where it can be properly incinerated. That would be the environmental thing to do. The Sun...cosmic waste management.

At 10:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous posited...

Did you go to high School in Marion, Iowa?

At 1:58 AM, Blogger CoachDub posited...

No. Marion, Indiana.

At 9:06 AM, Blogger Pammy posited...

happy earth day back!


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