Sunday, April 01, 2007


My well is running dry. I feel like my blog is in need of a transfusion. And more mixed metaphors.

I did do a couple of posts about books a while back, and I want to try to do that more frequently. Sometimes, however, I just cannot think of anything to write about. It is a problem.

I was thinking about starting a series of lists. I know that Top 10 lists are overused and trite and may be the last refuge of a blogger-in-need, but they can also be fun if done well. That said, I want to be more creative than just "Favorite Movies" or "Best Books." Instead, I was thinking that my lists might be more specific. For example, I might do "Best 80s Sitcoms" or "Best Power Ballads by Shitty Bands" or "Best Songs Written about Food" or "Best Shows about Doctors" or "Best Songs with the Word Red in the Title." Etc.

I am soliciting ideas, either for general blogging or for lists you might be interested in seeing here. Or if the whole idea is lame, let me know that too. Thank you for your support.


At 7:43 PM, Blogger Tay posited...

you could blog about your wild night life. livin' in the clubs... hangin' with the chicks... doin' coke on a toilet seat... that sort of thing.

At 11:05 PM, Blogger CoachDub posited...

Excellent idea, Tay.
It will be a weekly feature called Debauchery in DeKalb. Although, since I am applying for jobs and such, I may have to put a black censor bar over my eyes on the pictures of me mugging old ladies and/or tagging police cruisers. You know, to protect my identity.

At 11:49 PM, Blogger Tay posited...

well i certainly wouldn't tell anyone about it. but watch out for parker, he's a shifty aisian. he might try to pull something.

in addition to the black censor bar (perhaps a photoshopped beard as well?) i would also considering writing in code and then mailing out code sheets to us or like decoder rings. we could even make it a contest. like we have to buy enough boxes of ovaltine and send them into you and then you send us a decoder ring and each week we could tune into "debauchery in dekalb" and find out what new, sexy exploit dj wang and his band of miscreants were up to. hijinx and mayhem would abound.

oh i like this idea very much.

At 11:52 AM, Blogger Tom posited...

yes. aisian.
and while im at it... yes. "i would also considering".

At 12:38 PM, Blogger Tay posited...

i got hit pertty heard in the hed during rugby yeasterday.

At 3:28 PM, Blogger Josh posited...

man i could get behind the power ballads one. or any pre-1990 rock posts in general. sister christian by night ranger is a pretty essential song.


that said, i like reading about books. also, perhaps alan hewitt: guest blogger.

At 8:55 PM, Blogger CoachDub posited...

Josh, I may regret that example, since I don't know if I can list 10 power ballads that I like.

Now commenters: please do not take this as an invitation to list ideas for me. I need to be untainted by your opinions if and when I decide to attempt such a list.

But it will include "Sister Christian."

At 9:33 PM, Blogger Josh posited...

awww yeah

At 11:05 PM, Blogger constant_k posited...

If you give Alan Hewitt a time with this blog, he'll never give it back.

He'll use it for RECIPIES.

At 11:10 PM, Blogger Jason posited...

I, too, enjoy books and power ballads.


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