The world as it should be
I think that Michelle Obama was magnificent last night. She delivered a beautiful portrait of her family and her life, and really showed another side of Barack Obama. For example, though he has always said he was a "community organizer," Michelle was the first one to really spell out what that means. Michelle is a wonderful speaker, and she delivered one of the best speeches of the campaign. (Watch it here.)
Now I know that conservatives love to hate Ted Kennedy, but last night's tribute showed that it is hard to criticize everything he has accomplished. I like the idea that when we think about civil rights, health care, housing rights, etc., we have Kennedy to thank in part for such non-partisan accomplishments. I personally love Ted Kennedy because I think he has been a champion for those who need help in our society. People can criticize him all they want for his personal life, but Kennedy has helped a lot of people.
And again, I approach Hillary's speech tonight with cautious optimism . . .
Song of the Day: "Coffee Houses" by Television Room
I really love the sound of this pop ditty from Irish band Television Room. Check it out.
Song of the Day: "Coffee Houses" by Television Room
I really love the sound of this pop ditty from Irish band Television Room. Check it out.
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