I wanna feel something that sets me in motion
I saw The Dark Knight at the IMAX theater today. First of all, the film is still a moving masterpiece the second time around, in case there was any doubt. Second of all, seeing the film on a 6-story screen was truly an amazing experience. The opening shot of Chicago/Gotham was breathtaking, and seeing the Joker for the first time as he stood there 6 stories high was a sight to behold. The scene where Batman jumps of the building in Hong Kong was mind-blowing, and I got a little vertigo. I appreciated a lot of the cinematography a lot more, in particular the scene in which the Joker is hanging out the car window like a happy dog--beautiful. Everything about the film was bigger and better--I recommend the IMAX experience for this brilliant film.
I am trying out a new embedded music player so I can post songs that do not have videos on YouTube. I hope you like this feature.
I have been loving this song lately. It reminds me a bit of The Stone Roses, and the jangly little piano part makes me smile. I guess it is a little strange to compare one's significant other to marijuana, but oh well. I love this song.
"Strawberry Weed" by Caesars
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