The Accidental Truthist
Ever since George "took responsibility" for mistakes in Iraq, he has been on a truth-telling rampage. Sometimes, however, he accidentally, through misspeaking, tells the truth:
And there is distrust in Washington. I am surprised, frankly, at the amount of distrust that exists in this town. And I'm sorry it's the case, and I'll work hard to try to elevate it. -- GWB, January 29, 2007
i find his lack of intelligence refreshing. however, I will surely find rudy guiliani's ample intelligence refreshing as well. oh, what's this? an early prediction? hmmm.... that's right, you heard it here first, man.
RUDY! RUDY! RUDY! RUDY! (you know, like from the movie with samwise gamgee in it)
im not even sure who i will vote for yet, actually.
but, ill take bets starting now. but i want 1 to 2.5 odds.
Tom, don't you think that Rudy has views that will not be acceptable to the far right wing of the party?
After all, he is pro-choice and thinks gay people are, you know . . . people.
(And I am certainly not saying that you are part of this faction, since I know you aren't, but the far right does have a lot of power in the primaries.)
(Good work on the Rudy reference, by the way.)
yeah, i thought about that, but in the end, he's just got so much going for him, and remember that this is all in the eyes of the general public. I mean, there's the obvious 9/11 thing, but other than that (which is huge), he was the mayor of NYC, which may as well be a country of its own (so qualification/ experience isn't really an issue), and he brought it from a city with billions of dollars of deficit to billions in surplus. Also, he's pretty moderate. As you said, he'll get the shaft from the far right because of the abortion thing, but moderates get lots of votes from both affiliations (I don't mean to illigitimize the green party, or anything, but...). Also, he's a really smart guy that gets things done and sticks to his convictions. running a campaign for this guy would be a cakewalk (even though i hate the word cakewalk). His only real opposition on his way to the white house, that i can see, is john mccain. If he gets the nomination, who's he got to worry about? Either Hillary or Barack Hussein Obama. I hate to be so blunt, but she's a woman, and he's middle eastern. smeering either of them is FAR too easy. Obviously the main issue in this election is going to be 'who can get us through this war with out us admitting defeat or dragging it out for another 6-8 years?' I think that any democrat has a disadvantage in this category, because, and you don't get this impression from what you see on tv or in the newspapers, but there is a large portion of the population (mostly conservative) that are relatively politically inactive but that have strong beliefs that will bring them to the polls. This 'silent plurality' is going to vote for a strong-willed republican that promises victory rather than redeployment. I think Mccain probably has the slight edge over Rudy in this category, but, overall, I have to give the advantage to Rudy, because I think he can play the part of the war general too, thanks, in part, to the 9/11 thing (which doesn't really make any sense, but remember, we're talking about the general public, and you know he'll have a dman good campaign manager).
damn good, that is. although im sure he will also be d' man.
More distrust breeds a better instinct towards self-preseveration, which is crucial for any politician. It's really just a big self-help agenda for Congress.
As far as Guiliani, I think his major battle would be, as you said Dub, in the primaries. Assuming he survived those, then the factor will be his opposition. If he ran against, say, Hillary, he could stamp his forehead with the words "so socially liberal my heart needs a blood transfusion" and I'd still vote for him as the lesser of two evils. I suspect a lot of other conservatives would do the same. Obviously, that's why it is sensible for the DFLers of this country (or whatever they call them outside of MN) to pick Obama to run.
Silly me. I thought it was too early to be discussing Presidential candidates, but then I realized that there are less than 21 months left before this election! I'd better get up to speed.
it's never too early. Bill Gates in '24! (geek party) OHHHHHHH.
Tom, you are the first person to claim that Obama is Middle Eastern. You could get a job with those Swift Boat guys.
Although it will be fun to see this picture in the political ads.
haha, oh yeah, about that middle eastern thing... i realized mere minutes after posting that comment that i was a little off with that one... but its still an easy image to create...
and that picture doesn't look anything like rudy. fraud. FRAUD I SAY.
It is not a fraud. I remember it on the news when it happened. Just google "giuliani in drag" and you will find news stories about when it happened.
man, im with you tommy my boy. rudy is the man.
or woman if he dresses like that picture more often
ok, so he might lose even more of the right with those SHEnanigans, but he'll probably pick up another demographic. that's right, the trannies.
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