Monday, September 01, 2008

Labor (Day) Pains

I will have a lot to say in the coming days about politics, but I'll take the holiday off today.

So, today is the last day of my summer break.  My school had an extended summer because of construction, so the kids do not even come back until the 8th, but I start teacher work days tomorrow.  So it is back to getting up early for the train.

I had a great, relatively slow, interesting, and unproductive summer.  I saw some good shows, saw some great Cubs games, played a lot with friends, and got some nice reading done.  But I guess I am ready to go back to work.  I like change, and the school has changed a lot over the summer, with new wings added and the insides all switched around, so it should be exciting.  Especially since the construction is not quite done, so there will be construction workers intermixed with the students for the first month of school.  But at least the English area will be ready to go (on day one).

And it is always interesting starting a school year, which I assume I'll post about once the kids are back next week.


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