Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Still processing. Will Return Soon.

The three top headlines on my My Yahoo! page started with the following phrases:
  • Rumsfeld Quits
  • Democrats Sweep
  • Bush Concedes
On Jeopardy!, I would say, "What three phrases will never, ever be uttered, ever until the end of time?" Rumsfeld is the most stubborn man ever. The Democrats are incapable of sweeping, since that's, you know, an action verb. And Bush conceding? That would mean that he recognizes that alternatives to his way may actually exist.

I am pretty sure I am being punk'd by God.
Or Karl Rove.


At 9:53 PM, Blogger Jason posited...

It's nice of Bush to concede, but he, like a large number of voters Tuesday, probably need to realize that the Democratic candidates weren't actually running against him.

At 12:29 AM, Blogger Benson posited...

"The Democrats are incapable of sweeping, since that's, you know, an action verb."

You are amazing, JDub.


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