The wind beneath my wings
Every once in a while, just to keep my feet on the ground, I check out the famous Vox Pop in the Brainerd Dispatch. For those of you not from Brainerd, the Vox Pop is an opinion page feature that allows citizens to state their opinions without leaving their names. Another name for it would be Opinions for the Spineless. Or Chicken Shit Letters. Apparently, the history of the Vox Pop links back to teachers: some citizens of Brainerd did not feel comfortable stating their opinions for fear that the teachers in the district would penalize their children. In other words, if Claudia Podunk says something in a letter to the editor that upsets a teacher, that teacher is going to fail Ms. Podunk's kid. In fact, the editor of the Dispatch once claimed that the school distict employees were terrorists.
Sometimes I understand the need to protect one's identity, like when making complaints about stoplights, dove hunting, etc. Those are extremely sensitive issues.
All this is getting to an item in today's Vox Pop:
They're called heroes
I feel bad for the Warrior teams who have forfeited games because of what seems to be somewhat obscure rules. Nonetheless, they are to be commended for their victories and spirit. We have a name for people who do the right thing even when it's not in their self-interest. We call them heroes.
Now I have great sympathy for the soccer players since they had all of their wins forfeited through no fault of their own. That sucks. But heroes? Heroes?! Are you fucking kidding me? What is the "right thing" that was done here? I don't get it.
I love Vox Pop.
Oh well -- I'm heading to The Decemberists concert tonight! According to Josh and John V., this makes me a limp-wristed communist. Long live Lenin, girlfriend.
Have fun at the show and be sure to leave a full report when you get back.
VoxPop is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I like to call it "See what kind of ridiculous things the Dispatch will print". It's a really fun game, everyone should try it sometime.
remember when voxpop perfectly reflected a satire piece we read in lang? because i do. something about the governer of wisconsin, cats, and birds? i don't know.
Why did they have to forfeit their games? I refuse to read the Dispatch site now because they make you register. I wonder if there's a bugmenot entry for it...
Oh, and I also agree that Vox Pop is for the spineless.
Was it Roy who called the school district employees terrorists? I wouldn't expect that from him... but who knows?!
wasnt that satire piece written by adalai stevenson, mayah? i think i know what youre talking about.
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
please, save the birds.
Mark, I've been running that campaign since last spring. Unfortunataly, the things I write are just too ridiculous.
Stalin was way more hardcore than Lenin was. Stalin fed people to starved bears, that's my idea of a man of steel.
All I'm saying is that if you like the Decemberists you aren't going to be impressing anyone with your bone-crushing handshake (with the obvious exception of Hannah Burchill). Seriously though, I was kidding. I hold no feelings either way towards the Decemberists.
But, there probably is some truth in our statements. Example: someone who listens to Mastodon could probably beat up someone who listens to the Decemberists.
So someone who listens to Mastadon must be an uncivilized pig who has not yet evolved a thumb?
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