Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Going green

My job interview on Monday was just ok. I did not really feel the vibe during this one. I was not feeling that it was a good match for me, so my so-so performance probably indicated this indifference.
But my interview today went very well, and I felt great during this one. I liked the school and the interview committee, so this one may be at the top of my wish list now.
Tomorrow morning I need to wake up very early to drive to the far north suburbs for another interview. I am very glad I have all of these interviews, but they are wearing me out!

A website I have started frequenting recently is The Cool Hunter, which is a site dedicated to all things cool and funky, from architecture to art to fashion to gadgets. They feature cutting edge fun stuff.

Today, they featured the Dancing Grass Van, which is an ice cream/smoothie truck covered in grass and flowers. It is built by some company in Britain. Tell me you would not chase this down the block for some ice cream:

Click for larger image


At 11:13 PM, Blogger constant_k posited...

Dub....did you watch house or not? Did anybody?

I need some more informed opinions on what's going on here and I have a feeling this blog is a good place to find them.

At 10:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous posited...

Constant K-
I caught the lastest House ep. And i never seem to be lacking an opinion.

But you could also check out where they have a huge forum devoted to discussing different television shows. Not only is it informed, it is some of the best damn tv talk around.

At 11:25 AM, Blogger Josh posited...

more like rice cream amrite

At 12:36 PM, Blogger CoachDub posited...

Oh yeah, Josh, urite.

Max, I did watch it, but I do not really know if it was a red herring or not. That would certainly seem like a more interesting story line than just another drug fix.

At 1:05 PM, Blogger constant_k posited...

Coach, are you implying that House doesn't always have the most original stories on television?

Because 25 million viewers can't be wrong.

At 2:48 PM, Blogger CoachDub posited...

True--but 25 million viewers can't be original.


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