Monday, February 26, 2007

See the light, enter the light, become the light, and shine

Now with the Oscar Blog Reprise over, I will get back to being busy and stressed for one more week. I have my first job interview on Friday, and then on Saturday I take my four hour master's comprehensive exam, and then I have another job interview next Monday.
Most of my time this week will be spent reviewing film theory, re-perusing The Age of Innocence and Richard III, and re-viewing the films.

I know I have already said this, but once again, since my future may well depend on the next week, my blogging will be minimal. But I will try. If nothing else, I may post some videos here and there, or if I really need a study break, I will post something more substantial.

Onward and ever on, Destination Eschaton . . .


At 10:53 AM, Blogger Maya Kuehn posited...

good luck in all your interviews!

At 8:54 AM, Blogger CoachDub posited...

Thanks. I appreciate it!


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