Sunday, January 07, 2007

"Changes are happening / It's too late to turn back"

I had an excellent time in Minnesota. It is always nice to hang out with my friends. I also enjoyed seeing a bunch of former students. In fact, seeing students just reminded me that I really want to be a teacher again, so that was a nice benefit of the trip.

2007 will bring big changes for me:
  • I will have my Master's degree -- I have my comprehensive exam in two months, so I will be quite busy studying for that.
  • I will take another leap to somewhere new -- Since I have to let Brainerd know by February 1 whether or not I am coming back from my leave, I have pretty much crossed that option off my list. It was never really in my plans, but I always thought it would be nice to have the back-up. But without the back-up, I will be more determined to be where I want to be. So, I hope that in the next several months I have a job lined up for the fall. I am starting the job search and application process. I will be going to a suburban job fair next month with 19 copies of my résumé in hand, and I have begun setting up online applications at a bunch of schools. I am a bit nervous because many of the suburban schools are top-notch and therefore highly competitive, so I will be up against a lot of candidates. But I think I have a few good things to offer. We'll see how my life changes forever in the coming months.


At 5:26 PM, Blogger Maya Kuehn posited...

hey man, best of luck - those new trier bastards would be lucky to have you. we should do dinner or SOMETHING it's been ages.

At 6:51 PM, Blogger CoachDub posited...

(And my bank account would be lucky too.)

Yes, we will get together soon!

At 9:19 PM, Blogger Kelsi posited...

Any school would be lucky to have you, Mr. Wanninger.Students pray for a guy like you to infuse their world with a new point of view. You are a terrific teacher, and I personally grew a lot while I was in your classroom.

At 12:18 AM, Blogger Josh posited...

good luck!

At 12:20 AM, Blogger CoachDub posited...

Thanks, Kelsi. I appreciate that.

Thanks, Josh. I appreciate that.


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