Friday, March 31, 2006

Steffi Graf speaks through me

Since the last thing I want to be accused of being is humble, I guess I will post about my one encounter with publication, albeit internet publication.

Most of you have already seen this, since Jake and Maya both mentioned in in previous comments, but what the hell? It's a good way to have a blog entry without having to think about it.

So Jackie, you can rest easy knowing that I am not humble.

In other news . . .
I always love it when reviews of terrible movies make me laugh. Here is what Roger Ebert wrote about Basic Instinct 2 today:
It's a lot of things, but boring is not one of them. I cannot recommend the movie, but ... why the hell can't I? Just because it's godawful? What kind of reason is that for staying away from a movie?

(I really made this post so I could have a lot of links in it.)


At 12:45 PM, Blogger Brett posited...

Thanks Wanninger, I needed a new chain to tow stuff with. My gigantic, gas-guzzling truck now feels at one with the universe. Wait, when did I get a truck?

At 12:51 PM, Blogger Dr Em posited...

ha! i love the one with the refridgerator perry. mike likes to sing the superbowl shuffle which always make me think of the fridge. whatever happened to him anyway?

At 12:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous posited...

I laughed out loud several times whilst reading this. good job!

At 12:15 AM, Blogger sherlock posited...

Have you ever played the Millenium Edition of Trivial Pursuit? It's impossible! It's been a few years since I played it last; but even my mom, whom I consider to be more than reasonably intelligent, couldn't get a single piece of the pie. Ahhh!

At 2:53 AM, Blogger CoachDub posited...

Yeah, I like it quite a bit. It is challenging, but I have managed to win a few games. But it is much harder than it seems it would be.

At 3:39 PM, Blogger Tay posited...

wanninger, i'm looking for a post on v for vendetta and i can't find it on your blog. commentary?

At 3:42 PM, Blogger Tay posited...

ps sorry for the off-thread post. a couple other things.

1) i think it is sad that i'm probably the only one under twenty here who has actually seen footage of the super bowl shuffle. not sad that other people haven't. sad that i have.

2) i think i just caught a "whilst"... excellent...

3) i think i should find someone who has the millenium edition of trivial pursuit and play it. i have the 90's edition and that's just boring because i remember most of the stuff. well except the early 90's. but those where a troubling time. far to many hot pinks and greens.

At 3:59 PM, Blogger CoachDub posited...

Tay, you will need to look elsewhere for a V for Vendetta post. It really does not even make a blip on my interest scale.

At 3:59 PM, Blogger Graham posited...

i also just listened to the podcast of the ebert and roper review of basic instinct 2.

did you see the interview with jon stewart on the daily show? can you say awwwwwkward?

he had just the previous work totally made fun of her for her weridass comments on the peace process in israel while on tour for her movie.

my theory is she is on oxycontin at all times. she sure as hell seems like it. kind of drunk, but in a less responsive way...

At 4:01 PM, Blogger Graham posited...

re: v for vendetta: i loved the comic and just bought it the other week at a used english bookstore in berlin and saw the movie in german with dan holbrook and my roommate timo.

the totalitarian fascist society is even more convincing (for some reason?) when everyone is talking in german. go figure.


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