They're all the same
- A few weeks ago, Bush said this:
- I believe that a prosperous, democratic Pakistan will be a steadfast partner for America, a peaceful neighbor for India, and a force for freedom and moderation in the Arab world.
- -- March 3, 2006
Pakistan is not part of the "Arab world*," and so this statement underscores the president's geographical and political ignorance. But I think it goes still deeper. Bush lives in a binary world of black/white -- or more accurately, us/them. (We saw this during the 2004 campaign, where he made it clear that complexity and nuance do not exist for him.) With his with-us-or-against-us attitude, he can completely ignore the complex history and the vast array of different peoples, languages, and religions that make up the Middle East. I do not believe that this statement about Pakistan can be attributed to a "slip of the tongue" or a misstatement. It is evidence of his completely oversimplified view of what the Middle East is all about.
* In the spirit of the oversimplification idea, I offer a pretty good definition from Wikipedia, which is not always the most reliable of sources. But here, it sums up the definition rather well.
Yes, but you must pronounce it with a long A sound: Ay-rab.
you're doing a hell of a job, wannie.
The President broke out of the Texan for this one: "democratic" and "moderation" are both over the three-syllable limit.
Nice, Josh.
He probably pronounced them "Dem-crat-ic" and "Mah-Dray-shun." Then he fired a six shooter into the air and killed a man.
Pulled a "Dick Cheney," if you will.
All this residual cynicism and potential bitterness makes me smile guys
lol, I'm doing this because I hate America, Parker.
Our President talks funny, okay?
Hey, did you hear the one about our Vice President?
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