Sunday, November 02, 2008

Personalized and non-transferable

Well, I did not go to Indiana to work for Obama.  Instead, I had a relapse of my respiratory infection and went back to the doctor. Now I am on a new antibiotic, plus a bronchial dilator inhaler, plus some heavy-duty cough medicine.  Woohoo!

So, if Obama loses Indiana by 8 votes, it will be my fault entirely.  But the fact that Obama has made Indiana a swing state is extraordinary in itself.

But, I did get word that I am officially a ticket-holder to Obama's historic rally on election  night, so I will get to be there in person!  These tickets went fast, and though 100s of thousands of people will be there, only a select 65,000 got tickets.  OK, so that is not so select, but still, I have one.

I go into this week with a realistic optimism.  I feel like Obama is going to win, but I also know that anything is possible.  I first declared that Obama was my guy here 22 months ago, and it is hard to believe that we are now only two days away.


At 10:10 AM, Blogger undulatingorb posited...

Caitlin and Erica (from the Decemberists shows) have tickets to the rally as well. I wish I could be there!

At 9:54 PM, Blogger Unknown posited...

ooh, I'm so jealous...I'll be glued to MSNBC starting at about 3:30 PST...


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