Sunday, May 28, 2006

"Nothing is written"

Here are the latest cross-offs from the film list:

80. THE WILD BUNCH (1969)

So the best of these was quite obviously Lawrence of Arabia. I enjoyed The French Connection and The Wild Bunch quite a bit, but neither will be added to my favorite films list.

I am embarrassed that I had not seen Lawrence of Arabia (1962) until now. The film basically defines the term epic, and nothing I can say about it will really add to what has been written about this sprawling film. (Here is a summary of the film.) Recently, Premiere named Peter O'Toole's performance as T.E. Lawrence as the #1 greatest performance of all time. It is a truly strange performance, too. O'Toole manages to create a complex character that is adventurous, dark, humorous, and effete.

I hope that I have the chance to see Lawrence of Arabia in the theater someday, because I can see that it really does require a giant screen. Until that happens, I feel like I have not seen the true movie. As Roger Ebert wrote in his Great Movies column, "You can view it on video and get an idea of its story and a hint of its majesty, but to get the feeling of Lean's masterpiece you need to somehow, somewhere, see it in 70mm on a big screen. This experience is on the short list of things that must be done during the lifetime of every lover of film."

Now, after having seen it, I agree entirely. But it is one of those movies that will increase in esteem in my mind as more time passes and I have more time to think about it. But I will keep my eyes open for a "revival" showing in the theater.


At 4:37 PM, Blogger Serenity Now! posited...

I can't put it on in the theatre, but if you come for a visit you can watch it on our 54" home theatre system. Smooches!

At 6:10 PM, Blogger J0hn posited...

The scope of Lawrence is mind blowing.

At 9:04 PM, Blogger CoachDub posited...

Yeah, I agree JV -- that's why I did not really attempt to put it into words.

At 2:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous posited...

Someone once said that if Peter O'Toole were any prettier in the film, they'd have called it "Florence of Arabia." Now, he's no Paul Newman circa Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, but there's still something to be said for it. :)


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