Friday, May 26, 2006

Meandering melodic phrasing

Many of you probably already know about the music site called Pandora, but I thought I'd blog about it anyway. Back at Christmas, my brother told me about Pandora, which is sponsored by something called the Music Genome Project. Basically, you enter a band name, and through some sort of mathematical analysis Pandora starts a new "radio station" with all kinds of bands you will probably like. I like it more than other "find new music" sites because it analyzes the music itself, rather than just "here's what other people who liked Band X also like." You can click on the song and get an explanation about why that song has come up. Plus, if your computer allows cookies, then your radio stations are always there when you come back to the site.

Here are a few examples:

I entered New Order, and first, of course, they played a New Order song. And then "Elevator Love Song" by Stars came up because, like New Order, it features "electronica influences, subtle use of vocal harmony, mixed acoustic and electric instrumentation, acoustic rhythm guitar, and mild rhythmic syncopation." (This is a case where the new song was one I already know.)

Then I tried Belle and Sebastian. "Your Secrets" played, and B&S are described as having "interweaving vocal harmony, meandering melodic phrasing, mixed acoustic and electric instrumentation, major key tonality and vocal harmonies." So after that, a song called "The First Name on Your Dance Card" by Motion Picture came on. I did not know this song, but it was featured because, like Belle and Sebastian, it features a "vocal-centric aesthetic and major key tonality."

Anyway, like I said, this may be old hat for some people, but I like it muchly. Sadly, Pandora was just featured in Entertainment Weekly, and ever since that, it has been a bit more slow-to-load.

But give it a whirl.


At 10:01 PM, Blogger CoachDub posited...

Apparently this was the world's most uniteresting post, but because I am lame and cannot bear to see "0 Comments" staring at me for so long, I am writing this non-comment.

At 10:29 PM, Blogger Erik posited...

It's hard to follow up a post like the one about Farley's return.

At 10:52 PM, Blogger CoachDub posited...

Yeah, that's true. Good point. But since the balance of the universe has been restored with his return, I figured I should go on blogging as usual.

At 1:22 AM, Blogger Carson posited...

Haven't yet had time to check out your link. So instead of giving feedback on the post, I am taking a raincheck.

At 1:28 PM, Blogger Jason posited...

My dial-up is waaay to slow to run something as sweet as Pandora.

College will rock.


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