Thursday, November 10, 2005

Devoid of Mirrors

As I have mentioned before, one of my favorite sites is McSweeney's. Today's McSweeney's contribution is too great not to share, so here is an excerpt:


by Jason Kellett
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Mr. President, we have all heard the reports that you are extremely health-conscious—exercising daily, eating right, and making sure you get to bed at a decent hour. But with all the stress that comes along with being the leader of the free world, I imagine there must be days when you find yourself hard-pressed to find time to run. And as for healthy sleep patterns, I know when I'm under a great deal of stress I sometimes lie in bed tossing and turning until the wee hours of the morning. I've tried Ambien, warm milk, sheep-counting. Nothing seems to help. So tell me, Mr. President, how do you sleep at night?

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On my tour of the White House, I noticed that the hall leading from the Oval Office to the press room is devoid of mirrors or reflective surfaces of any kind. Now, surely you sometimes want to make sure your tie is straight or your hair is fixed before a press conference. How do you even look at yourself in the mirror?

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A while back, a wire story on the contents of your personal iPod reported that you were listening to the Knack, Credence Clearwater Revival, and Van Morrison. Noticeably absent from the reported playlist at that time were any classic '70s soul-music artists such as Al Green or James Brown. Perhaps you have added some Marvin Gaye to the rotation since that story. I wonder if you'd like to update us on your current iPod selections. Have you no soul, Mr. President?


At 12:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous posited...

I think you skipped one.

At 1:22 PM, Blogger P "N" K posited...

hehe, this is pretty good.

At 5:45 PM, Blogger Tay posited...

i enjoyed this immensly.

At 9:41 PM, Blogger Josh posited...

brought the lols

At 9:53 PM, Blogger Jason posited...

I sort of ruined it by skipping through and reading the italicized questions first. But I must say, I respect Bush's choice in music.

At 9:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous posited...

It was good, but I could kindof see that comming.

But really, don´t we all want to know the answer to "How do you sleep at night Mr.President?" Maybe he has a special routine, or maybe he is testing a new sleeping pill. Whatever it is it´s bound to make loads of money...

Then again, I read somewhere(I think in my filosofía book) that the naïve have the easiest time being content....

At 10:29 PM, Blogger Jason posited...

If I were President of the United States, I'd also have a hard time sleeping, even if I was doing everything as well as I could.


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