Sunday, November 30, 2008

It is written

I had a very nice time visiting my family for Thanksgiving.  The trip was a bit nostalgic, since my aunt now lives in the town where all of my grandparents used to live.  We had great food and conversation, and it was nice to see family.

Last week I hinted that I had seen an excellent movie recently, but I have not had time to post about it, so now I will.

Slumdog Millionaire dazzles the senses and stirs the soul.  The latest film by Danny Boyle is a joyous miracle to behold.  Boyle has proven his skill with films like Trainspotting, Sunshine, and Millions, and here he creates a masterpiece.  

Slumdog Millionaire tells the story of Jamal Malik, a young Indian man who is one question away from the grand prize on the Indian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?  Jamal has grown up in abject poverty in the worst slums and (literally) garbage dumps in India, and all the major events in his life lead him to the game show.  The story is brilliantly told as a series of flashbacks to Jamal's childhood, as each question he is asked on the gameshow connects to one of these major and often traumatic events in his life.  Jamal is played by three different actors at three different ages, and the stories all come together to create a breathtaking tale of a young man whose fate (and the love of his life) is staring him in the face.

Slumdog Millionaire is masterfully directed, shot, and edited; it is a visual feast.  But the actors also do a beautiful job.  The location shots of the Indian slums tell a tale of the ill effects of wealth discrepancies and globalization.  But the political themes are secondary.  This is a fairy tale and a love story and a tale of triumph and sadness, and it is glorious piece of filmmaking.  I laughed, I watched in awe, I cried, and I wanted to cheer.  Slumdog Millionaire is by far one of the best films of the year, and everyone should see it immediately.

And be sure you watch the credits!

Watch the trailer:


At 7:35 AM, Blogger undulatingorb posited...

Awesome music in the preview!

At 4:51 PM, Blogger sherlock posited...

The use of "Hoppipolla" further suggests to me that I should see this movie.


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