Wednesday, January 09, 2008

"Yeah, you're dignifying her in the ass."

Somehow in my list of Christmas break films, one got left off. I typed it up, but I must have accidentally deleted it. Oh well . . .

Charlie Wilson's War -- I thought this movie was highly amusing. I did not really expect it to be so funny, though I guess with Aaron Sorkin writing, I should have known. Tom Hanks does a great job, but the true star, as always, is Philip Seymour Hoffman. He completely steals the show. In every scene, with every line, with every smirk, Hoffman delivers a truly brilliant and hilarious performance. The movie delivers some important political ideas, but really, you need no other reason than Hoffman.

Meanwhile, an obscure but awesome electropop song from the 80s has been in my head today, so I thought I would share:

"New Song" by Howard Jones

Throw off your mental chains, indeed.


At 11:39 AM, Blogger undulatingorb posited...

I completely agree. The movie was highly enjoyable, though it could've used more Hoffman. Honestly, I could've watched two hours of just that character and been in bliss. Did you see the History Channel aired a show about the actual Charlie Wilson?


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