Friday, February 24, 2006

You're my hummingbird

Sometimes people think they have you pegged because of the music you listen to or the movies you like. "Oh, him, he likes indie and techno music, and he likes those artsy films."

So with that in mind, I offer a short list of things that I quite like but which don't really "fit the mold" of me. I guess these are similar to guilty pleasures, but I am not embarrassed about them at all. Perhaps I'll add to the list in a future post.

  • Justin Timberlake - I think that he is very talented. He has a good voice, he can dance, he can beat box, he can write good pop songs. (I do not, however, actually own Justified.) I thought he showed great versatility on Saturday Night Live, and his episode was one of the few consistently good ones in the past few years.
  • Janet Jackson - I am a huge fan of all of her dancey songs, especially "All For You" and "If." Well-crafted and danceable -- that's all I need sometimes. Nipplegate aside, I hope she is back on the scene soon.
  • The American President - I cannot count how many times I have seen this movie. This is a movie that I watch whenever it comes on TBS, which is quite often. I never get tired of it. It is clever and brilliant and hilarious.
  • "Shoop" by Salt-n-Pepa. "Shoop" is one of my favorite hip-hop pop songs. Shoop shooby dooby, like Scooby-Dooby. That's all I have to say about that.
  • ConAir - John Malkovich killing people? Dave Chappelle crushed in landing gear? Nicolas Cage as a buffed up hillbilly? "Why couldn't you put the bunny back in the box?" Steve Buscemi singing "He's got the whole world in his hands"? I ask you, what's not to love?


At 12:47 AM, Blogger J0hn posited...

Con-Air used to be my favorite movie after The Rock.

At 1:34 AM, Blogger CoachDub posited...

I also love The Rock.

At 11:56 AM, Blogger Carson posited...

The only one that surprises me is Con-air.

I always have Janet's "The Velvet Rope" cd laying around. And JT's "Justified". That cd is so much fun.

And how can a movie go wrong with Rob Reiner directing and starring Michael Douglas, Annette Benning, Martin Sheen, Michael J. Fox, Richard Dryfuss, and David Paymer. That is an awesome cast.

And "Shoop" is a classic party song. When it comes on... everyone in the room starts shouting the lyrics.

This is a pretty good list though. Great stuff that is sometimes overlooked.

At 3:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous posited...

I like to watch "The American President" and pretend it's real...that we could actually have a president with some integrity.
that, and I always giggle when the French president tells his joke in French (remember we were the only people in the movie theatre who understood it before Annette Benning related it to the rest of the table?)

At 4:21 PM, Blogger CoachDub posited...

Yep. I think of that French part every time I watch it too. And everyone thought we were freaks. Which we were.

At 11:04 PM, Blogger P "N" K posited...

English question for yout Dub.

When writing an essay, say a scholarship application essay, is it necessary to use "gender neutral" diction - i.e. "his or her" instead of just using "his?" I always did the latter in my writing, and I seem to remember Niemi mentioning that such an approach is correct, regardless of PC, but I'm not currently sure.

At 1:02 AM, Blogger CoachDub posited...

Parker, whenever possible, you should try to rewrite the sentence to avoid it altogether.
Instead of: Each student should try his best.
Write: All students should try their best.

MLA recommends this process of recasting your sentences, but when you cannot do that, you should go the PC route and use "his or her." It is clumsy, but it is better to not take any chances. This is one thing that I don't blame on the PC police, but rather on an inherent lack in the language.

(I wrote more about this on Tay's blog too.)

At 1:06 AM, Blogger P "N" K posited...

kk, sounds good. the rewriting idea makes a lot of sense.

At 2:06 AM, Blogger hannah posited...

rob reiner has said that the american president is his favorite film that he's made.

and people i suffer from similar discrimination. people think that because i'm a republican i don't like laundry detergent, the letter "s", kittens, shopping carts, personalized stationary, the wheel, rows, columns, tennis shoe laces, yellow, balconys, coffee, stamps, plastics, green eyes or people. but i assure you, i like all of it!

At 10:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous posited...

J--"were" freaks? not sure I can claim I've shed that part of my identity yet... :)

At 10:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous posited...

Hey Kath,
Greetings from Sue! I'm still something of a "freak" myself.

At 4:48 PM, Blogger "Jackie" posited...

hannah, all reppies love personalized stationary. duh.

At 8:42 PM, Blogger CoachDub posited...

You're right, Kathy. I know I haven't. In fact, I embrace it.


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