Full of lice and opinions
Some entertainment for the day from Overheard in New York:
Woman: I want to report that there is a drawing of Hitler at the bottom of these stairs.
MTA lady: Well, is there anything anti-Semitic written with the drawing?--225th Street 1 station
Guy: Hey, I haven't seen you in, like, two years.
Girl #1: Yeah, not since that time we made out at Cristina's party...then you went to Paris.
Guy: ...I'm gay now.
Girl #1: Oh.
Girl #2: NYU boys should really come with warning labels.--Waverly Building elevator, Waverly Place
Girl #1: You should see this guy. He's like the reincarnation of Gerard Way.
Girl #2: Gerard Way's not dead.
Girl #1: He's emo. He's dead inside.--E train
Guy: You should become a lesbian. It seems to be working out for everyone else.
Girl: Yeah, um, I'll have to pass.
Guy: You're so shallow.--A train
Guy: ...Newborn babies are pretty small, yo.
Girl: Not small enough to fit in your pocket!
Guy: What if you were wearing cargo pants?--A train
God Squad lady: Jesus is coming! Jesus is coming!
Girl: Well, is he going to be getting off the S train? 'Cause I'll just meet him there.--Port Authority
Guy: We have to figure out a way to get rid of her bird.
Girl: I hate birds like that. They're full of secrets and dust.
Guy: And lice and opinions.--13th & A
Guy #1: So what are you doing this weekend?
Guy #2: I am heading out for my niece's birthday party.
Guy #1: Nice. Is she hot?
Guy #2: Well she's only 3, but she has some cute 4 year old friends I could introduce you to.--Port Authority
I want to hear what led up to "...Newborn babies are pretty small, yo."
At the risk of sounding anti-climatic, probably "my [relation] just had a child. It's really small."
My favorite quote was the emo one.
Hmm... I don't know if just a statement of smallness is enough to prompt the response "Not small enough to fit in your pocket!"
Unless maybe that's just a knack the girl had.
"That Honda coupe is pretty small."
"Not small enough to fit in your pocket!"
that could be. or maybe they were talking about stealing a baby? Or what could fit inside his pocket and he over exaggerated and said that a baby could fit into his pocket?
I think he was trying to sneak his baby into a rated-R movie.
"He's emo. He's dead inside."
i couldn't stop laughing for 3 minutes after i read this.
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