With a taste of poison paradise
Congratulations to Britney and Kevin. It's a boy!
This is the best day ever! I mean, I'm sorry her hometown got destroyed in a hurricane and all, but every new Spears/Federline offspring means one more future customer for Wal-Mart!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is the best day ever! I mean, I'm sorry her hometown got destroyed in a hurricane and all, but every new Spears/Federline offspring means one more future customer for Wal-Mart!
And more good news -- I closed on my house in Baxter, so that means I don't have to worry about that anymore, and I have money now.
In other news, I wonder if they'll be talking about this at the Roberts confirmation hearings...
Addendum: Arcade Fire on Letterman tonight, performing "Rebellion (Lies)"! What a day.
All the world needs: offspring of horrible pop singers. I personally don't think that reciting the "under God" part of the pledge should be an issue, atheist or not. I find it really hard to believe that this would bother someone so much that they have to fight I'm not an atheist, so I wouldn't know, but I think that they are just looking for attention.
Good lord, my children are being indoctrinated with that Christian bullshit at school. What is the the US of A coming to? It is most certainly a problem. They actually have to say the word "God" out loud. Well, actually they don't HAVE to. It's actually their choice, but they do have to hear it spoken. Oh, I KNOW. Haven't they ever heard of the Establishment Clause?
More than the God thing -- I'm more offended by pledging to a piece of cloth. And the concept of PLEDGING ALLEGIANCE to anything does not allow for the possibility of a changing context. For example, what if the governemnt suddenly decided that all poor people must be immediately killed. Too bad I PLEDGED my allegiance.
If we had a pledge of allegiance to the Constitution . . .
And making kids recite this (or listen to it) is basically the equivalent of a "Support Our Troops" magnet -- meaningless, pseudo-patriotism.
Well, if the government suddenly did decide to kill all the poor people, only the craziest, brainwashyist people would go along with it (aka Hannah Burchill.. hopefully she doesn't see this because she will eat me). I also have a feeling that when kids do recite the pledge, they either don't understand what it means (when they are little) or understand that it doesn't mean anything, and that it is just some sort of folky "tradition" to keep the pinko-commies away. I don't know about other kids, but whenever I hear it in a classroom, I feel the urge to stay seated, but, alas, I am not so strong willed and could not put up with the strange looks that my peers would surely give me and the questioning look I could quite possibly get from the teacher. So, I simply stand in silence.
i agree totally with Wanninger.
What a concept...
For the record, the atheist was charging specifically the pledge, "under God," so I'd have to agree with John when he says they're doing it just to get attention.
Really, there are better things that our legislators and federal judges should be talking about. Like Major League Baseball's problem with steroids.
What's the country coming to!?
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